Critical Illness Insurance

Provided by MetLife

Receive benefit payments directly and use the funds however you wish in the case of a covered critical illness.

Watch the video for an overview of Critical Illness Insurance.

What does Critical Illness Insurance cover?

MetLife Critical Illness Insurance helps provide financial support in the event of a serious illness such as:

  • Cancer*
  • Heart attack**
  • Stroke***
  • And many more

MetLife Critical Illness Insurance provides employees with a lump-sum benefit if they or a covered family member are diagnosed with one of the covered medical conditions and meet the policy and certificate requirements.

For coverage amounts of $15,000 or $30,000, enrollment is guaranteed provided the employee is actively at work and has medical coverage if required by state law.

What is not covered?

Specific exclusions vary by state. Please see your plan summary to learn more about specific exclusions.

MetLife Critical Illness Insurance is not meant to replace traditional health coverage. Consider Critical Illness Insurance a source of supplemental financial help in the event of a covered serious illness.

Is it right for you?

Consider MetLife Critical Illness Insurance if:

  • You could benefit from help paying for your deductible or other out-of-pocket costs
  • Costs associate with a serious illness could place serious financial strain on you and your family
  • You want more comprehensive financial support in the event of a covered critical illness

More Resources

  • Starting at $1.07/week

    Benefit Features

    • Recurrence benefit for certain conditions****
    • Coverage for yourself and your family*****
    • Guaranteed coverage so long as you are actively at work
    • Portability: Take it with you if you move to a new job ******

    About MetLife Insurance

    MetLife offers solutions and guidance to help customers meet their goals and navigate life's twists and turns.


* Please review the certificate for specific information about cancer benefits. In most states, not all types of cancer are covered.  
** The Heart Attack Covered Condition pays a benefit for the occurrence of a myocardial infarction, subject to the terms of the certificate. A myocardial infarction does not include sudden cardiac arrest. 
*** In certain states, the Covered Condition is Severe Stroke. 
**** Please review the Disclosure Document or Outline of Coverage/Disclosure Document for information on which Covered Condition may be eligible for a Recurrence Benefit. There may be a Benefit Suspension Period between recurrences of the same Covered Condition, as well as occurrences of different Covered Conditions. There may be a limitation on the number of Recurrence Benefits payable per Covered Condition. We will not pay a benefit for a Covered Condition that is subject to a Benefit Suspension Period. If a Recurrence Benefit is payable for a Cancer Covered Condition, we will not pay such benefit unless the Covered Person has not had symptoms of or been treated for the same cancer for which we paid a benefit during the Treatment Free Period.  
***** Coverage is guaranteed provided (1) the employee is actively at work and (2) dependents are not subject to medical restrictions as set forth on the enrollment form and in the Certificate.   
****** Eligibility for portability through the Continuation of Insurance with Premium Payment provision may be subject to certain eligibility requirements and limitations. For more information, contact your MetLife representative.      
Some states require the insured to have medical coverage.                                     
 METLIFE CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE (CII) IS A LIMITED BENEFIT GROUP INSURANCE POLICY. Like most group accident and health insurance policies, MetLife's CII policies contain certain exclusions, limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Product features and availability vary by state. There may be a preexisting condition exclusion. There may be a Benefit Reduction Due to Age provision. There may be a Benefit Suspension Period between recurrences of the same Covered Condition or occurrences of different Covered Conditions. MetLife offers CII on both an Attained Age basis, where rates will increase when a Covered Person reaches a new age band, and an Issue Age basis, where rates will not increase due to age. Rates are subject to change. MetLife reserves the right to raise premium rates for Issue Age CII on a class-wide basis. A more detailed description of the benefits, limitations, and exclusions applicable to MetLife’s CII product can be found in the applicable Disclosure Statement or Outline of Coverage/Disclosure Document available at time of enrollment. For complete details of coverage and availability, please refer to the group policy form GPNP07-CI, GPNP09-CI, GPNP10-CI, GPNP14-CI, GPNP19-CI or contact MetLife for more information. Please contact MetLife for more information. Benefits are underwritten by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, New York.   
MetLife's Critical Illness Insurance is not intended to be a substitute for Medical Coverage providing benefits for medical treatment, including hospital, surgical and medical expenses. MetLife's Critical Illness Insurance does not provide reimbursement for such expenses.